Thursday, December 15, 2016

Learning Specialist/Instructional Designer Reflection #2

Developing the Publishing Digital Writing Initiative has been an engaging experience and has helped me realize many valuable aspects of designing and implementing a new curriculum idea.  It has been a good experience to go through the stages of identifying a problem, assessing the need, researching more about a solution, designing a plan and obtaining feedback.  I have realized how important it is to do the background work of researching the need and a solution before just presenting new ideas to administration or teachers.  It seems to be easier for others to accept your idea and for the proposal to take hold when you can support your ideas about why it should be implemented.

I am very excited for the implementation of the Publishing Digital Writing Initiative.  I have started working with the ELA team leader to begin designing the professional development sessions and I think that we will be able to get teachers excited about having their students publish their writing. I believe that if students are given opportunities to publish their writing it will make the entire process more engaging and will motivate students to create work they are proud of because they will have a real and authentic audience.  

I haven’t met any real challenges up to this point of developing the proposal, however, I do expect that there will be challenges once we begin to implement it.  I am assuming that there will be a few resistant teachers that are not as excited about implementing the proposed plan.  However, I have learned valuable methods in my previous class regarding initiating change in others and I plan on using those strategies to help this proposed idea become successfully implemented.  I have already started thinking about model teachers or students that I might want to use as examples, or work with prior to our meeting, to have them be bright spots that show the benefits of the plan.

I believe that as a Technology Specialist we must also be a Learning Specialists, because we play an important role in helping the teachers determine the best ways to integrate technology into the curriculum.  We need to be comfortable with the curriculum design and confident in the needs of the students and staff to be able to help them develop learning activities that have technology appropriately infused into them.  If we do not have that Learning Specialist background, we will not be able to make as great of an impact on student learning because there will likely be a disconnect between the learning needs, curriculum aspect, and technology integration.  With a solid understanding of all areas, the Technology Specialist is able to design a well integrated lesson where all of those aspects have been considered and accounted for.  This integration will make for the most meaningful learning experiences for students.